BARLA National Cup confirmed for 2015
BARLA have confirmed that their Open Age National Cup will run once again in 2015.
All clubs from all amateur playing competitions in the UK are invited to participate.
Care has been taken in the planning to ensure that any clashes with significant events in the professional game are avoided.
“Since the end of this year’s BARLA Open Age National Cups in June, I have worked with the RFL’s National Community Competitions Manager David Butler on dates, so that there are no clashes with the early rounds of the Tetley’s Challenge Cup, the Magic Weekend and Blackpool Bash,” BARLA Vice Chair Steve Manning explained.
“We also took into account to cause minimal disruption to the playing leagues playing both in winter and summer.
“Communication has been the key between all parties to make this work; the BARLA Open Age National Cup is still the competition that players and clubs want to play in to be crowned top side in the country.
“Given all the work that has gone on behind the scenes between BARLA and the RFL I hope all leagues in all the respective playing seasons will encourage their teams of whatever standard to enter so that they can dream of being giant killers and winners.
“This year’s competition was dominated by sides from Yorkshire. I truly hope that we have a positive response from sides throughout the North West of England and Cumbria playing during the winter and summer.
“My wish and dream is to make them bigger, brighter and better and this is the first step in a new era of communication between all parties to this with everyone working together.”
BARLA National Open Age Cup Dates:
Round 1 Saturday 10th January
Round 2 Saturday 24th January
Round 3 Saturday 21st February
Round 4 Saturday 21st March
Semi Final Saturday 11th April
Final Sunday 17th May
All teams from all playing leagues are invited to enter the National Cup at a cost of £5 to BARLA affiliated teams and £10 for non BARLA affiliated teams. All entries and entry fees together with the club details, contact name, telephone number and email address should be sent to Phil Sharpe the BARLA Secretary Administrator, West Yorkshire House, 4, New North Parade, Huddersfield, HD 1 5JP.
The closing date for clubs to enter the BARLA Open Age National Cup will be Sunday 13th December with the draws taking place the following week.