North Derbyshire Chargers launch crowd funding bid for cardiovascular screening
North Derbyshire Chargershave launched an appeal to raise funds to provide a cardiovascular screening programme for people involved in amateur sports around their sites in Chesterfield and Warsop Vale.
The issue of cardiac health in sport has been tragically highlighted in recent weeks with the death of Danny Jones, who suffered from an unidentified heart complaint.
The Chargers already have an ongoing partnership with the Heartbeat of Sport charity. This body works to raise awareness of the issue of sudden cardiac arrest within sport and within the local community.
The Chargers have already raised funds to purchase a defibrillator. The project is part of an overall care package, which will also help participants improve their all-round health with dietary and exercise advice, delivered by fully qualified personal trainers.
Participants will also have the opportunity to take part in a social Play Touch Rugby League competition.
“The news of Danny Jones has struck a chord across the whole Rugby League family and we are committed to the health and safety of all members of the club,” said club chairman, Ged Connolly-Thompson.
“The ideal would be to offer cardiovascular screening to all players on an annual basis and this project is a great foundation on which to build this programme.”
The project launched on May 9th on the crowd funding web site, Crowdfunder UK, with an initial target of £3,750 to provide a full day of screening and to identify anyone who attend who may be at risk of a cardiovascular related complication.
If achieved, there is a further stretch target which will be used to provide a second day of screening if required for people involved in amateur sports and/or members of the community around the two main sites.
A Facebook page has been set up to communicate news about the project and to pledge on the project please visit
Anyone wishing to pledge to the project can find more information on the Crowdfunder UK web site at and learn more about incentives to donate to the project.