
Kris Radlinski
Alex Spink

Wigan CEO Kris Radlinski shares emotional family journey and St Helens rivalry ahead of Good Friday

In an exclusive interview, Radlinski shares his family’s ties to Wigan, and his own journey to becoming CEO.
Love Rugby League's combined XIII of St Helens and Wigan Warriors stars, Liam Farrell
Ben Olawumi

An outrageously good combined XIII of St Helens and Wigan Warriors stars

We pick out a starting XIII of current stars in the ranks of St Helens and Wigan ahead of their Good Friday clash…
Brian Carney Sky Sports predictions
Drew Darbyshire

Super League Rivals Round predictions: Love Rugby League versus Sky Sports presenter Brian Carney

Love Rugby League takes on Sky Sports presenter Brian Carney in this week’s predictions for Rivals Round in Super League.