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Forty-20 Column: The Morning After

How much the marquee player will be an inexact science was illustrated this weekend.

Forty-20 Column: The Morning After

By common consent, however you measure it, Magic Weekend was a success. Whether it was an avowed one and, perhaps more importantly, how we capitalise on it, is another issue.

The Final Hooter 2015 – Episode 9

Adrian Jackson and Dave Parkinson return in this “Summer Bash” special, taking in some of the sounds and reliving the Kingstone Press Championship’s big weekend in Blackpool.

Boudebza set for long stay at Hull KR, and it’s easy to see why

One player who has really stood out in Super League this season has been Hull KR’s French hooker John Boudebza.

Forty-20 Column: The Morning After

Is there something in the water taken by the professional coaches in the Wigan Borough?