Far-from-enthralling finals
For anyone who isn’t a Salford fan Sunday’s Northern Rail Cup final was difficult to watch. It was a relief to be following two other more exciting games on radio ...
For anyone who isn’t a Salford fan Sunday’s Northern Rail Cup final was difficult to watch. It was a relief to be following two other more exciting games on radio ...
Following on from yesterday’s fan’s view, I spoke to Salford City Red’s supporter Mike Marsland, a 60-year-old chartered cccountant from Lymm, Cheshire. He gives his reasons why Salford should ...
Each day this week, I will be speaking to a supporter from each of the clubs seen to be involved in the race for a Super League spot in 2009. ...
I’ve spent the last week talking to supporters from many clubs after my article last week. On Monday, here on www.lasttackle.com, we will be starting a new feature focussing ...
The whole licence application, in an event in itself, has thrown up more debate than any other Rugby League news story in living memory. As we approach the final ...
With the July date for the final decision, on who will be fortunate enough to be accepted be in Super League for the 2009 season, fast approaching it seems that ...
I ended up watching the film Conspiracy Theory the other evening. You’ve probably not seen the film, in fact it wasn’t the best film despite the ‘A’ list cast ...
It was a bit strange to hear a fan recently describe Millennium Magic as “a vital part of the expansionist programme”. The event has certainly been talked of as expansionist ...
One of the major reasons for the move towards a licence system is to stop the scenario where the promoted club struggles to provide a competitive side. I had a ...
The licensing system has again come to mind over the past few weeks when I had the chance to visit two of the franchise applicants in Co-operative National League One ...
After musing last week on which engage Super League coach will be out of a job next the answer was not long in coming.
The rolling debate about who should, who will, and who won’t be given a Super League licence in July will be over in a couple of months. Obviously, there ...
It might have taken until nearing the half-way stage of the engage Super League season but a head coach has parted company with his club after a run of poor ...
As much as a success that the RFL claim the Magic Weekend to be, it was apparently let down once again by poor marketing, which is almost as common within ...
Before last night, you’d have struggled to find someone with a belief that the Leeds juggernaut was anything but in full flow.
It seemed as though almost nothing in rugby league would take the spotlight off referees and their controversial performances, but the arrival of the – if anything even more controversial ...
Just when you think events in the engage Super League are settling into a fairly predictable pattern something comes along to change all that.
Younger readers might not be aware that this year, 2008, sees the forty fifth anniversary of the release of that wonderful feature film, ‘This Sporting Life’ starring Mr Richard Harris ...
Season’s Greetings to all followers of the great game of Rugby League Football. At this time of year, one is apt to look back on previous Christmases with a sense ...
Having missed out on the Super League play-offs in the last two years it looks as though Wigan Warriors are anxious to make the most of this opportunity, as exemplified ...