RFL fight government cuts
The RFL have reaffirmed their commitment to delivering Rugby League’s community strategy following the unveiling of government budget cuts in the comprehensive spending review yesterday.
Sport England will see a 33 per cent reduction in their grant in aid revenue from the DCMS by 2014/15 but have committed to protect and prioritise the frontline of community sport and have underlined the importance of their existing financial investment in 46 sports.
The RFL have confirmed that there will be no reduction in the level of Rugby League development activity and no staff redundancies at the organisation as a result of the government announcement. The RFL have also welcomed Sport England‘s commitment to protect frontline services.
RFL Chief Executive, Nigel Wood said: “The RFL remains committed to delivering Rugby League’s community strategy and we will continue to work positively with Sport England to increase the number of people participating in our sport.
“We recognise the difficult challenge which the government faced in planning the budget cuts and we realise that there will be challenges ahead however the RFL’s existing programmes will be mainly undisturbed.
“The RFL welcome the commitment that Sport England have made to protect both frontline services and their investment in sports national governing bodies until 2013 as well as the news that Sportsmatch will be protected for the next two years.
“Sport England face a reduction of around 40 per cent in their capital grant budget and we will work closely with them to try and ensure that alternative funding opportunities are available.
“The RFL also note and welcome the fact that further funding will come into sport as a result of Government reforms to the National Lottery with the share of the good causes funding for sport rising to 18 per cent in 2011-12 and then 20 per cent in 2012-13.
“As the sport’s governing body we remain absolutely committed to ensuring as many people as possible have the opportunity to participate in Rugby League.”