Shaun Wane update as decision made on England coach availability for France Test

Aaron Bower
Shaun Wane England Alamy

England head coach Shaun Wane - Alamy

Shaun Wane will not be available to travel to France with England this weekend – meaning they will play their one and only mid-season international without their head coach and Andy Last in charge.

Wane underwent unexpected surgery on Tuesday evening after complications stemming from an ankle operation. He was declared a doubt to travel with the national side, with Last taking charge of training on Wednesday afternoon after flying in from France.

And Last has now confirmed that he will take charge of the national team this weekend, with Wane ruled out as he continues his recover from the operation.

“I spoke to him just over half an hour ago,” he said.

“He’s just coming round from his operation. By all accounts that’s gone well and they’ve dealt with the infection and the complications which we had from initial op, that’s been resolved.

“He’s on the road to recovery and looking forward to watching us from his hospital bed. Hopefully we put in a strong performance for him to be proud of.”

Last insisted it has not disrupted preparations too much as England plan for their only international camp ahead of this year’s Test series against Samoa.

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He said: “They’ve dealt with adversity in their club careers and there’s been some unfortunate things that have happened this week but they’re professional and they’ve dealt with it as you’d expect them to.”

Last insisted Wane will still have an input in team selection and will have access to training sessions in the run-up to Saturday’s game – but it will be Last who takes the team in Toulouse.

He said: “The way things have worked so far, before sessions I’ve spoke to Shaun and we’ve discussed how we’re going to plan the session and the content of session.

“And after the session we’ll review and discuss things, and he’s got access to it via the applications we use and the analysts provide him with footage of training. He’s still got his finger on the pulse, and on game-day I’m sure he’ll give us some tips beforehand but he’s confident in myself and the rest of the staff to get the job done.”

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