Swinton Lions launch internal investigation after RFL address Widnes Vikings complaint

Aaron Bower
Heywood Road, Swinton Lions

Heywood Road, the home of Swinton Lions - Alamy

Championship club Swinton Lions have confirmed they are fully co-operating with the Rugby Football League’s investigation into allegations made by Widnes Vikings player Nick Gregson: and insist they are also conducting their own internal investigation.

Gregson, who played for Swinton as recently as last season, posted on social media on Sunday evening alleging that the Lions’ players were instructed to ‘bully him’ and target his shoulder.

Gregson also posted an image which he said was from the Swinton dressing room with a noose around his neck – and Widnes almost immediately tweeted in support of Gregson. The RFL also confirmed they had launched an investigation.

“We play probably the toughest game of all for not much money and have to have a full-time job on top of that. I am absolutely devastated that we lost and also that I probably can’t play again this year,” Gregson said.

“There is more to life than rugby league and it’s not something I want any part of if that’s deemed acceptable.”

Swinton said they refuted the accuracy of the allegations in a social media post which has now been deleted. But on Monday evening, they tweeted once again to confirm they are in co-operation with the RFL and their independent investigator.

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“We have now received formal communication from the RFL and we are fully co operating with their enquiries,” they said.

“In addition, we are also conducting an internal investigation.

“As soon as these processes have been completed the club will make a comprehensive statement. In the meantime, we would ask that the investigation process is respected along with privacy of all the individuals concerned and their families.”

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