York City Knights are ‘Going For Gold’


York City Knights will welcome one of York’s most famous faces to Huntington Stadium next weekend when Shed Seven lead singer Rick Witter will be in attendance as a guest of the club. Witter, who is a lifelong fan of both York Rugby League and York City Football Club, will take part in the half time cross bar challenge at our match against Leigh and display his kicking skills to the Huntington Stadium crowd.

Shed Seven formed in 1990 and went on to have fifteen top forty hit singles and four top twenty albums in the UK between 1994 and 1999. They hit the peak of their success in 1996 when they had five UK top forty entries, more than any other act in that year, with the iconic ‘Going for Gold’ entering the charts at number eight.

The Knights are offering anyone who produces a Shed Seven CD at the turnstiles entry to the match for a reduced rate of just £10. Rick will also be available to sign merchandise.

Sundays match kicks off at 3pm and turnstiles open at 1:30pm. For further details visit www.yorkcityknights.co.uk or call 01904 767404.